Now Shirt: Below-waist Shirt has high, one-piece rolled collar open at ends, stitched hems, long sleeves. Zen Shirt: Mid-hip shirt has two-layer collar detail. Concealed front placket buttons left over right with loop at collar, stitched hems, long sleeves. Suggested Fabrics Lt. wt. Fabrics, Crisp Linen, Cotton, Silk. Notions: Five 1/2" Buttons (Now), Six 1/2" Buttons (Zen), Thread. Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.
The Sewing Workshop

Now and Zen Shirt

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Now Shirt: Below-waist Shirt has high, one-piece rolled collar open at ends, stitched hems, long sleeves. Zen Shirt: Mid-hip shirt has two-layer collar detail. Concealed front placket buttons left over right with loop at collar, stitched hems, long sleeves. Suggested Fabrics Lt. wt. Fabrics, Crisp Linen, Cotton, Silk. Notions: Five 1/2" Buttons (Now), Six 1/2" Buttons (Zen), Thread. Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL.

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